Why I Am Learning Python and You Should Too

Why I Am Learning Python and You Should Too

As humans, we have been born with the cognitive ability to acquire and speak different languages. Acquiring language is innate and ever-developing, especially with the learning materials provided. There are many languages to learn, and if you are into coding, there are also different programming languages--Python is one of them.

Among the countless programming languages, Python has a general purpose. Its range extends to web development, operating systems, AI, mobile application development, video games, and operating systems. This language is dynamic, object-oriented, and high-level. In fact, many developers say it is perfect for scripting or glue language to connect existing elements.

I am learning it right now, and here are the reasons why you should, too. It is sophisticated yet easy to understand with various purposes that will help you along your programming journey. Let us find out why Python is popular and why you should add it to your learned programming languages.

Is Python Good For Your Career?

Every developer has a set of skills and field of expertise. Now, how do you know if learning Python will do you any good? Will it make your job easier, or will you be able to produce more promising outcomes? The answer is a big YES!

Honestly, I am learning Python for fun, but beyond my personal reason, it is actually helpful. As a front-end developer, I have noticed a couple of things that made this language more interesting to learn. If you are new to programming, I highly suggest you learn Python first before diving into other languages.

1. Python and JavaScript are similar.

If you have experience in JavaScript, learning Python is much easier to learn. They use almost exact characters in syntax. Just take note of the slight differences: Python is cleaner and more straightforward than JavaScript. For example, on the one hand, JavaScript uses two ampersands (&&) to indicate “and.” On the other hand, Python does not seek complexity; it uses the word and itself.

2. Python leads to new opportunities.

As mentioned earlier, Python has a general purpose. It is useful in both web and software development when it comes to data science. To further prove its practicality, Python ranked number four in the 2020 Developer Survey with over 65,000 respondents. Adding this skill to your list of tools is truly handy regardless of the focus of your career.

3. Python developers’ salaries are ample.

If you are new to programming, you might have heard from your colleagues that developers receive adequate payment. The average salary of a JavaScript developer in 2021 is $107,250 per year, as estimated by This amount is only the starting salary. With perseverance and years of experience, the number can go up even higher to $145,000 annually.

In contrast, Python developers’ salary is higher to the amount that JavaScript developers receive per year. Still from the same source, the payment ranges from $115,000 per year to $149,000. This means that being fluent in this programming language makes you earn more than you anticipated.

It does not end there. Since Python provides plenty of opportunities for developers such as Machine Learning, in this industry, a machine learning engineer receives $140,000 annually, extending to $180,000. What makes it more interesting is that these numbers are just estimations. I know other developers who are paid higher than the amounts mentioned.

For a clearer visualization, here is a list of the developers’ income per year in the United States for this year (2021):

  • Web Developer - $90,000 - $127,000
  • Software Developer - $100,000 - $138,000
  • JavaScript Developer - $107,250 to $145,000
  • Python Developer - $115,000 to $149,000
  • Data Science Developer - $127,000 to $190,000
  • Machine Learning Developer - $140,000 to 180,000
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer - $160,000 to $211,000

To sum it up, adding Python as a new skill to your set of tools will enable you to choose which job fits you better. Considering that you have acquired Python, you can explore other related fields in the industry. With no bluffs, this programming language will totally open many doors for you to venture, with skyrocketing salaries to mention.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Python?

Learning always takes time. Every learner follows their own pace. Depending on the time you can allot, the learning process will vary. Speaking in my experience, it took me two to three years to thoroughly learn JavaScript. Since I have a learning deficiency, my learning methods require longer periods.

Generally, I find it challenging to learn code and, in general, due to my deficiency. However, I have noticed that my progress is faster compared to the other languages when it comes to Python. This rapid rate significantly rises because of my familiarity with code in general, and of course, JavaScript.

Moving aside from my expertise in code and JavaScript, I can still say that learning Python is less complex than the others. Starting from the basics and consistently practicing writing will speed up the process. In all honesty, three to four months are enough for you to learn the basics. There are numerous courses on the internet where you can enroll or even self-learn if you prefer.

Check out these websites:

Learning Beyond Basic Python

While it can take three to four months to learn basic Python, expanding your skills can take much longer. Jumping from basic programming to Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and the like will require you more time and practice. Still, I am sure it will be worth it.

Learning, in general, is a long process. With dedication and hard work, one can acquire the knowledge they desire or require to possess. Coding, specifically, is already challenging. What more when you decide to leap higher steps? If you really want to invest in programming, start with Python, and everything else will follow.